Our Services
As well as running his own Christchurch based clinic, Dr. Mark McLaughlin has been a Clinical Lecturer and Consultant to the DHB funded community Musculoskeletal Clinic and worked in Nelson in a chronic pain clinic - STAR clinic.
If you have an issue musculoskeletal related concern, then we can provide expert advice and the right treatment plan for you. For a list of the common musculoskeletal issues we treat at our Christchurch clinic, please see our Problems We Treat page.
The New Zealand College of Musculoskeletal Medicine has recognized MUSCMED as a teaching practice. Trainee Musculoskeletal Registrars have commenced training under the supervision of Dr Mark McLaughlin. Patients referred to Muscmed maybe asked if they would be happy to be assessed by a Registrar; the Registrar is required to discuss all cases with Dr McLaughlin as part of their assessment and care plan. By training more Musculoskeletal Physicians, it is anticipated that there will be improved access to Musculoskeletal services.
Dr. Mark McLaughlin can offer advice, relief and assistance for Musculoskeletal pain conditions including:
- Neck
- Lower Back
- Shoulders (shoulder tendonosis)
- Elbows (tennis elbow / golfers elbow)
- Wrists (RSI)
- Hands
- Finger/Thumb Joints
- Hips
- Knees
- Achilles tendonosis
- Ankles
- Feet
MUSCMED offers the following services:
- Diagnostic Imaging
- X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans
- Acute Epidural Service
- Ultrasound Guided Injection
MUSCMED also has an integrative approach with those who work at the Moorhouse Medical Complex:
- Radiology
- Hand Therapy
- Physiotherapy
Dr. Mark McLaughlin works closely with other health professionals and is happy to receive referrals from:
- Specialist Colleagues
- General Practitioners
- Osteopaths
- Chiropractors
- Physiotherapists
- Podiatrists
- Nurse Practitioners
Note: ACC consultations are fully funded by ACC.
ACC Services
ACC has recently changed the way they want to manage patients with pain. They have accepted there were unnecessary delays in treating patients in pain and now allow early treatment with interventions.
Those patients who have severe back and leg pain, not responding to conservative care can be reviewed in our clinic urgently as there are daily spaces available for acute patients. Many of these patients will benefit from Epidural Steroid Injections, as a continuum of their conservative care.
Please feel welcome to contact us direct for any queries.